Commercial & corporate.


Cutting the cord: terminating indefinite contracts

An indefinite contract establishes an ongoing contractual relationship. Typical examples include contracts that: automatically renew, do not specify an expiry date, or do not specify express termination rights. This bulletin explores...

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Bega owns the dress: do you own your unregistered trade marks?

Kraft has lost its appeal in the Full Court of the Federal Court regarding its claimed ownership of peanut butter packaging trade dress. This is likely to have significant consequences on how businesses protect and commercialise unregistered...

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Counting the cost of outsourcing (part 3)

Welcome to the third of a 3-part series on the risks associated with offshoring arrangements. Job losses may occur when organisations offshore office functions...

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Navigating the modern slavery framework

The Modern Slavery Act 2019 (Cth) requires companies with a group annual consolidated revenue over $100 million to publish an annual statement on how they asses...

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News & Press

NSW Modern Slavery Act defective?

The implementation of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) has been delayed but reporting is still required under the federal modern slavery legislation. Our TTR G...

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Australian law, I choose you

What is a governing law clause? A governing law clause expresses the parties’ intention about which laws will govern a dispute arising under their contract. Governing laws are important in any contract, but especially in contracts where parties are based in different States or Territories within Australia or in different countries. Why is it important? Properly drafted governing law clauses…

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Keeping your business safe from cybersquatters

You will be familiar with the term 'squatters' in a property context, used to define a person who unlawfully occupies a property that does not belong to them...

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Australia’s first federal modern slavery laws

Australia’s Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Cth) passed through Parliament on 29 November 2018 with strong support from both sides of the House and the Senate. The...

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Modern slavery update

In a win for corporate social responsibility and human rights, Australia's first modern slavery legislation passed both houses of parliament yesterday. Globa...

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A marriage is a lot like an orange

We've all dreamed of it, we've all definitely discussed it over a drink or 2, and some of us have even done it - start a company with a friend. 'What could p...

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