Bespoke prides itself on inspiring legal solutions. Providing expert legal services across selected industries, we empower your business to achieve great commercial outcomes. We do this by providing flexible and tailored legal solutions for a fixed price. Bespoke listens. We are responsive and deliver with cost certainty.

Bespoke is focussed on building relationships and establishing client partnerships. By partnering with Bespoke, your business will receive dependable and timely access to legal support from a team of lawyers invested in your success.

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Privacy concerns: digital marketing by online therapy platforms

Online therapy platforms are widely accessible today. They are appealing for their convenience and in enabling access to counselling from the comfort of one’s home. An online therapy platform’s data is an important asset and revenue stream when commercialised for online marketing.


Trade mark trends in Australia

IP Australia recently released its Australian IP Report for 2024, which covers various trends and statistics regarding registered intellectual property rights in Australia for the previous year. According to the report, Australia saw significant growth in applications for trade marks in 2023.


Dupe culture – understanding the legalities

In the world of fashion, cosmetics, and consumer goods, ‘dupes’ have become increasingly popular. While cheaper alternatives to high end products is nothing new, the term ‘dupe’ has entered common parlance in recent years. The popularity and perception of dupes has evolved with increasing cost of living pressures and a generational shift in consumption of goods and media normalised by Gen Z.

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Privacy concerns: digital marketing by online therapy platforms

Online therapy platforms are widely accessible today. They are appealing for their convenience and in enabling access to counselling ...

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Trade mark trends in Australia

IP Australia recently released its Australian IP Report for 2024, which covers various trends and statistics regarding registered ...

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Dupe culture – understanding the legalities

In the world of fashion, cosmetics, and consumer goods, ‘dupes’ have become increasingly popular. While cheaper alternatives to ...

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